
I have recently been messing around with Elm, especially since it seems to tie in beautifully with the Phoenix web framework. Also, anything to get away from JavaScript.

Whenever I am learning a new language, I always want to get my development environment set up nicely. For Elm in particular, I had a few requirements that were important to me:

  1. Proper syntax highlighting, formatting and indentation;
  2. Documentation + Type Signatures;
  3. Catch errors as I type and present them nicely, just like a Real IDEā„¢;
  4. REPL, package installation, previewing in a browser and other bells and whistles.

Since I needed to excuse to play with Spacemacs, coupled with most other editors proved to be pretty inadequate, Spacemacs it was. (Again, I needed an excuse).

It was surprising that getting the Elm-lang layer to function the way I wanted took a bit more work than expected. This post serves to document what I did, in the hopes that someone will tell me that I got something hopelessly wrong and say “Here, this is the way to do it”.

The End Result

If you don’t care about any explanations and want to see if it works for you, here’s the link to the .spacemacs file.

The Important Bits

(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
     (auto-completion :variables
                      auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip t
                      auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup t)
     (syntax-checking :variables
                      syntax-checking-enable-tooltips nil)

Here, we add extra configuration to auto-completion so that documentation and snippets appear. Note: I am assuming you have read the elm-layer README.

In syntax-checking, we disable tooltips because it will obscure the view of the documentation tooltip with the error message tooltip.

Finally, I found that I had to manually add company-elm to the list of company-backends:

(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
  "Configuration function for user code.
This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization after
layers configuration. You are free to put any user code."
  (with-eval-after-load 'company
    (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-elm))

A Sample Workflow

Here’s what you get once you have set up everything nicely:

A couple of features you might notice:

Why the “almost”?

I have found that the auto-completion isn’t as reliable I would like it to be.

Sometimes Array. shows me the full list of completions. However there are quite a few occasions where I have to help it out a little and do Array.i for it to show me Array.isEmpty and Array.initialize.

Part of the reason seems to stem from the limitations for the current implementation of elm-oracle, which the README prompts you to install.

From what I understand, that’s because it needs to fetch the documentation from the internet each time a completion needs to be performed. Also, the queries don’t seem to be cached.

You can find out more here.

The Elm layer already goes a pretty long way to streamline the development process. So while it isn’t exactly IDE-grade yet, it is pretty damn close.

And since Elm is a fantastic language from what I see so far, I think it is worth the wait.