Seems like I’m the last person to learn about SAX, which stands for (Simple API for XML). I wanted a nice example for my book, and one of the things I wanted to do was to parse Wikipedia. Turns out, Wikipedia provides XML dumps, which comes in at a hefty 10GB, compressed. Uncompressed, the single XML file weighs in at 50GB. Look Ma, I’m doing Big DataTM!

Why SAX?

It is practically impossible to load the entire XML file into memory. This means that parsers that work by loading the entire DOM is out of the question. SAX parsers, on the other hand, work by reading the XML file sequentially, and fires off events when say, it encounters the start/end of an element.

The State of XML Parsing in Erlang/Elixir

I think Erlangers do not do a lot of XML parsing, judging by the lack of (readable) documentation. The official Erlsom documentation is an exception though, and that is what we are going to use.

Getting SAXy with Wikipedia

We are going to learn how to parse a huge XML using Erlsom’s SAX parser. If you are unfamiliar with SAX, you will get a slightly better idea by the end of this article. You will also gain a greater appreciation of how Elixir’s pattern matching leads to a more declarative programming style – that is, expressing what you want, compared to how to do it.

To follow along, you would need to download one of the Wikipedia dump from here.

Creating a Project

I’m using Elixir v1.0.0, and so should you. Go ahead and create a project, and give it a kick-ass name:

% mix new saxy
* creating
* creating .gitignore
* creating mix.exs
* creating config
* creating config/config.exs
* creating lib
* creating lib/saxy.ex
* creating test
* creating test/test_helper.exs
* creating test/saxy_test.exs

Your mix project was created successfully.
You can use mix to compile it, test it, and more:

    cd saxy
    mix test

Run `mix help` for more commands.

Next, we need to pull in the Erlsom library. Open up mix.exs, and add the necessary lines in deps:

defmodule Saxy.Mixfile do
  use Mix.Project

  def project do
    [app: :saxy,
     version: "0.0.1",
     elixir: "~> 1.0.0-rc2",
     deps: deps]

  def application do
    [applications: [:logger]]

  defp deps do
      {:erlsom, git: ""} 

Then, do a mix deps.get in the project directory to pull in all the necessary dependencies.

Parsing XML using Erlsom

On to the fun stuff. The meat of the application revolves around :erlsom.parse_sax/4:

parse_sax(XML, Acc0, EventFun, Options) -> {ok, AccOut, Rest}

Xml      = [int()], a list of Unicode code points
Acc0     = a term() that is passed to the EventFun.
Eventfun = a fun() that is called by the parser whenever it has parsed a bit of the Xml input 
Options  = [Option]
Option   = {continuation_function, CState, CFunction} 
AccOut   = a the result of the last invocation of EventFun. 
Rest     = list of characters that follow after the end of the XML document

The above is directy copied from the documentation, which means that the above code is in Erlang.

Here’s our application in full (this is located in lib/saxy.ex). You can also take a moment to get a rough idea of how the :erlsom.parse_sax/4 function is used.

defmodule Saxy do
  defmodule SaxState do
    defstruct title: "", text: "", element_acc: ""

  @chunk 10000 

  def run(path) do
    {:ok, handle} =, [:binary])

    position           = 0
    c_state            = {handle, position, @chunk}

                      [{:continuation_function, &continue_file/2, c_state}])

    :ok = File.close(handle)

  def continue_file(tail, {handle, offset, chunk}) do
    case :file.pread(handle, offset, chunk) do
      {:ok, data} ->
        {<<tail :: binary, data::binary>>, {handle, offset + chunk, chunk}}
      :oef ->
        {tail, {handle, offset, chunk}}

  def sax_event_handler({:startElement, _, 'title', _, _}, _state) do

  def sax_event_handler({:startElement, _, 'text', _, _}, state) do
    %{state | element_acc: ""}

  def sax_event_handler({:characters, value}, %SaxState{element_acc: element_acc} = state) do
    %{state | element_acc: element_acc <> to_string(value)}

  def sax_event_handler({:endElement, _, 'title', _}, state) do
    %{state | title: state.element_acc}

  def sax_event_handler({:endElement, _, 'text', _}, state) do
    state = %{state | text: state.element_acc}
    IO.puts "Title: #{state.title}"
    IO.puts "Text:  #{state.text}"

  def sax_event_handler(:endDocument, state), do: state
  def sax_event_handler(_, state), do: state


Taking it apart

Let’s take the program apart. We start with run/1.

def run(path) do
  {:ok, handle} =, [:binary])

  position           = 0
  c_state            = {handle, position, @chunk}

                    [{:continuation_function, &continue_file/2, c_state}])

  :ok = File.close(handle)

We open the XML file in :binary mode. What is returned a tuple containing the :ok atom and a file handle. We are not reading the entire file here. You will see exactly how we do that later on.

The first argument is an empty string, which is basically what you start off with. The second argument we will not use.

Continuation Function

Let’s ignore the third argument for now, and concentrate on the last one:

[{:continuation_function, &continue_file/2, c_state}]

This tells :erlsom.parse_sax/4 to use a continuation function. The continuation function is called each time when :erl.parse_sax/4 needs more data. More data would be needed when :erl.parse_sax/4 is done parsing the current chunk of file – that was provided by the previous invocation of the continuation function.

Notice how we refer to the continue_file function using the & and /arity syntax. c_state is the tuple that we pass into continue_file. This tuple contains the XML file handle, the position of the file we are going to read from, and finally the @chunk, which is how much of the file we read each time.

Let’s take a look at the implementation of continue_file:

def continue_file(tail, {handle, offset, chunk}) do
  case :file.pread(handle, offset, chunk) do
    {:ok, data} ->
      {<<tail :: binary, data::binary>>, {handle, offset + chunk, chunk}}
    :oef ->
      {tail, {handle, offset, chunk}}

The second argument is c_state. This information is used in :file.pread, which allows us to read files in chunks given an offset.

So what’s tail? It is a list of characters that the SAX parser couldn’t parse during the previous invocation, which could be due to an incomplete token, or some encoding issues. Either way, we will join back the tail with whatever current data we were reading from.

Assuming we have more data (:file.pread/3 returns {:ok, data}, then we return a tuple containing the updated data (the tail concatenated with the data read from file), and an updated c_state, whose offset value has incremented with the chunk size.

If we hit the end of the file, :eof will be pattern matched and we return a tuple containing the tail and the unchanged c_state.

It’s worth taking a step back and review what we have just learnt. The continuation_function provides a way to read the file in chunks. It also handles incomplete data by combining the previous un-parseable data with the current chunk of data being read.

Yay, we’re done with the hard part.

SAX Events

Now, we can look into how we can parse the ginormous XML file.

As a refresher, this is our favorite :erl.parse_sax/4 again:

                  [{:continuation_function, &continue_file/2, c_state}])

The third argument defines the function to call when SAX events are triggered. An example of a SAX event is startElement and endDocument.

Here are all the events:

defmodule Saxy do
  defmodule SaxState do
    defstruct title: "", text: "", element_acc: ""

  # Omitted stuff ...

  def sax_event_handler({:startElement, _, 'title', _, _}, _state) do

  def sax_event_handler({:startElement, _, 'text', _, _}, state) do
    %{state | element_acc: ""}

  def sax_event_handler({:characters, value}, %SaxState{element_acc: element_acc} = state) do
    %{state | element_acc: element_acc <> to_string(value)}

  def sax_event_handler({:endElement, _, 'title', _}, state) do
    %{state | title: state.element_acc}

  def sax_event_handler({:endElement, _, 'text', _}, state) do
    state = %{state | text: state.element_acc}
    IO.puts "Title: #{state.title}"
    IO.puts "Text:  #{state.text}"

  def sax_event_handler(:endDocument, state), do: state
  def sax_event_handler(_, state), do: state

Notice how pattern matching comes into play here. We only need to say what kind of tags we are interested in. One look and you can tell only tags that are <title>...</title> and <text>...</text> are of interest to us.

All of the sax_event_handlers return a SaxState, which is a defstruct with 3 pieces of information. Let’s see how these information is populated. The structure of the Wikipedia XML is as such:

<mediawiki xml:lang="en">
    <title>Page title</title>
      <text>A bunch of [[text]] here.</text>
      <text>An earlier [[revision]].</text>
    <title>Talk:Page title</title>
      <text>WHYD YOU LOCK PAGE??!!! i was editing that jerk</text>

I have taken the liberty to remove tags that we don’t care about.

So let’s imagine you are a parser, and you only care about contents <title>...</title> and <text>...</text>. Along the way, you hit into the first <title> opening tag. A SAX event is triggered, and only one matches:

def sax_event_handler({:startElement, _, 'title', _, _}, _state) do

Here, we only have to initialize a brand new SaxState. After the initial title tag, everything that follows before the closing </title> tag is well, the title. The event that is triggered is:

def sax_event_handler({:characters, value}, %SaxState{element_acc: element_acc} = state) do
  %{state | element_acc: element_acc <> to_string(value)}

Here, we are accumulating all the data that is being triggered by this event and storing the contents into element_acc of the SaxState. Notice that we are not explicitly saying that this has to be inside a <title> or <text>, as this function is pretty generic.

At a certain point, you would encounter the closing tag of </title>. No surprise, another SAX event triggers:

def sax_event_handler({:endElement, _, 'title', _}, state) do
  %{state | title: state.element_acc}

Here, we return a new state containing all the element_acc that we have accumulated before, and set that as the title. In case you are unfamiliar with the funky syntax, that is just the way defstruct and Maps is updated. (Note, a new state is returned, since Elixir’s data structures are immutable.)

So that’s that for <title>...<title>. Sooner or later, you encounter <text>. This time, return a new state, making sure that element_acc is an empty string. Again, this is needed because the sax_event_handler that handles the {:characters, value} event doesn’t know which tag we are currently in, and will happily accumulate element_acc unless told otherwise.

def sax_event_handler({:startElement, _, 'text', _, _}, state) do
  %{state | element_acc: ""}

Finally, once we have hit the closing tag of </text>, we do the same as before and store element_acc, but this time in text:

def sax_event_handler({:endElement, _, 'text', _}, state) do
  state = %{state | text: state.element_acc}
  IO.puts "Title: #{state.title}"
  IO.puts "Text:  #{state.text}"

That’s pretty much it! The remaining 2 event handlers are pretty self explanatory. The last one is just a “catch-all”:

def sax_event_handler(:endDocument, state), do: state
def sax_event_handler(_, state), do: state

Running the project

To run it, from the project folder:

% iex -S mix
iex> "path_to_wiki/wiki.xml"

You will see Wikipedia fly by, without getting any out of memory problems.

Parting Thoughts

Hopefully I’ve made some positive contribution to the dearth of information out there. I plan to do more interesting things with Wikipedia, especially since I’ve got this XML parsing thing figured out. I had a lot of fun putting this together, and if you are interested, the repository is at GitHub.

Being able to use Erlang libraries directly from Elixir is so, so nice.

Special thanks to Jesper for helping me figure some of this stuff out.

Thanks for reading, you are awesome! <3!