Bits and bytes have always confused me for some reason or another. I then came across Bit Syntax Example: Decoding TCP Segments in Erlang Programming (by Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson) and decided that bit syntax was something too cool to ignore.
I was searching for a nice example to showcase, then stumbled upon Erlang Bit Syntax and ID3. Therefore, I humbly present my Elixir version.
MP3 and ID3
ID3 is described as a metadata container that is most commonly used in MP3s:
The Task
We will write a small program to extract information such as the title and artist information. Before we get into coding, we must acquaint ourselves with the layout of the ID3 tag.
The Layout
Here is the layout of a MP3 file:
The green portion represents the audio data, which we don’t care about. The important part is the last 128 bytes (the orange portion), that contains the ID3v1 tag information.
The ID3v1 tag layout is as follows:
Note that the length column are all in bytes.
Step 1: Reading from a file
defmodule ID3Parser do
def parse(file_name) do
case do
{:ok, binary} ->
IO.inspect binary
# ...
_ ->
IO.puts "Couldn't open #{file_name}"
Here’s I’m assuming that id3_parser.ex
is in the same directory as sample.mp3
. Running this program gives:
% elixir id3_parser.ex
<<73, 68, 51, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 95, 118, 78, 67, 79, 78, 0, 1, 81, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 16, 0, 79, 0, 114, 3, 41, 47, 25, 62, 56, 38, ...>>
returns {:ok, binary}
, where binary is a binary data object that contains the
contents of path, or {:error, reason}
if an error occurs. Here, we make use of pattern matching to match on {:ok, binary}
, and treat everything else as an error.
Step 2: Extracting the ID3 Tag
Recall that the ID3 tag is the last 128 bytes of the MP3. Therefore, we need to calculate the size of the entire MP3 file. Using binary
that we pattern matched earlier, finding the size of only the audio portion (in bytes) is simple:
mp3_byte_size = (byte_size(binary) - 128)
Here comes some bit syntax awesomeness. Since we know the size of the audio part, we can use this information to just extract the ID3 portion:
<< _ :: binary-size(mp3_byte_size), id3_tag :: binary >> = binary
First, notice the =
: We are pattern matching on binary
to destructure the binary based on the size of the bytes. Also, notice that the pattern is wrapped around <<>>
In the first half of the pattern, we match the audio portion of the MP3 file. We don’t care about the audio part, hence we use the _
<< _ :: binary-size(mp3_byte_size), ... >>
On the other hand, we do care about the ID3 part of the file, which is matched by id3_tag
in the second half of the pattern.
<< ... , id3_tag :: binary >>
The only difference with this and the previous pattern is that we are omitting the size.
Note that you cannot do this:
<< _ :: binary, id3_tag :: binary-size(128) >> = binary
That is, we cannot specify the size at the end of the binary. Otherwise, we get a nice error message:
% elixir id3_parser.ex
id3_parser.ex:6: warning: variable mp3_byte_size is unused
** (CompileError) id3_parser.ex:7: a binary field without size is only allowed at the end of a binary pattern
(stdlib) lists.erl:1336: :lists.foreach/2
id3_parser.ex:1: (file)
(elixir) src/elixir_lexical.erl:17:
(elixir) lib/code.ex:303: Code.require_file/2
If you have been following, here’s how id3_parser.ex
should look like now:
defmodule ID3Parser do
def parse(file_name) do
case do
{:ok, binary} ->
mp3_byte_size = (byte_size(binary) - 128)
<< _ :: binary-size(mp3_byte_size, id3_tag :: binary >> = binary
_ ->
IO.puts "Couldn't open #{file_name}"
Go ahead and run the file for a sanity check. The compiler will complain that id3_tag
is not used. We will remedy that in step 3.
Step 3: Extracting Metadata from ID3
Here is the layout of a MP3 file again:
The main thing to realize is that the fields in the layout are fixed. Without further ado, here’s the code:
<< "TAG",
title :: binary-size(30),
artist :: binary-size(30),
album :: binary-size(30),
year :: binary-size(4),
comment :: binary-size(30),
_rest :: binary >> = id3_tag
Beautiful, isn’t it? This is almost a 1-to-1 description of the layout in the table above. First, we pattern match on "TAG"
. Since each character is a byte each, we don’t need to specify the size. The rest of the fields use the same pattern matching techniques we have seen earlier.
And, we are done!
Full Source Code
Here’s the entire source:
defmodule ID3Parser do
def parse(file_name) do
case do
{:ok, binary} ->
mp3_byte_size = (byte_size(binary) - 128)
<< _ :: binary-size(mp3_byte_size), id3_tag :: binary >> = binary
<< "TAG",
title :: binary-size(30),
artist :: binary-size(30),
album :: binary-size(30),
year :: binary-size(4),
comment :: binary-size(30),
_rest :: binary >> = id3_tag
IO.puts title
IO.puts artist
IO.puts album
IO.puts year
IO.puts comment
_ ->
IO.puts "Couldn't open #{file_name}"
Running this on an MP3 would give:
% elixir id3_parser.ex
I Was Made For Loving You
Best wedding entrance song!